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escursioni sardegna

sardegna turistica
What will you find here?

What will you find here?

What will you find here?
For the whole territory of Sardinia, you’ll be given info, galleries and the location of:
    1. Excursions with professional tourist guides and certified hikers (under the name: escursioni e gite organizzate con professionisti).
    2. Points of interest (under the name: punti di interesse).
    3. Seasonal cultural events and shows to attend (under the name: eventi culturali e mostre).
    4. Museums.
    5. Archeological sites and parks operated by professional guides (under the name: siti archeologici gestiti e parchi).
    6. Archeological sites not operated by professionals, but sometimes with professional guides available on request (you’ll find all contact details at the right side of the page). These archeological sites are subdivided in more specific categories:
-domus de janas e necropoli
- nuraghi e villaggi
- tombe dei giganti e betili
- menhir e dolmen
- pozzi e fonti sacre
- archeologia fenicio punica
- chiese e architetture medievali
- archeologia romana
    7. Places to eat, like farmhouses and restaurants.
    8. Places to spend the night, like bed&breakfasts.
    9. Sites provided with disabled access (under the name: turismo accessibile in Sardegna).

You can either plan the visits on your own, or book a professional guide by contacting the author of the chosen activity advert (see name on the right of each ad).


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Sono Gian Mario F. Frau Ideatore di questa piattaforma.

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